Our online shop (www.superfoodies.com) uses cookies to store settings. We also use cookies to improve our online shop and to show you the right wording and content on our website at the right times.

A cookie is a small file that we place on your device. We can store your settings and data in this file. Without such a file, we cannot store any settings or the contents of your shopping cart for when you come back to our online shop at a later date. Storing these settings makes shopping online with us a lot easier and more user-friendly. The data in our cookies can be read only by us and Google. Google also places its own cookie when you visit our website. There is information below regarding these Google cookies.

Cookies are used by nearly all websites in the world and are harmless to your device.


List of cookies we use

Description Why these cookies? Not happy?
Google Analytics We collect (anonymised) data about browsing history on our website using the Google Analytics statistics package. This means we can see which pages are visited frequently, which pages are not clear and which search terms are driving visitors to our website. We need this information to make informed decisions about our website. This is similar to a retailer tracking how many products are sold, in order to adjust their range and special offers.

Don't want your click history to be tracked? Then you can download a browser plugin from the Google website, which prevents this. This setting then applies on all websites you visit, not just Superfoodies.com. You can download the browser plugin here.

Google Adwords Many websites display ads via the Google network. When you visit Superfoodies.com, a cookie is placed on your device which Google uses to show you ads matching your interests. It is therefore possible that Google shows you an ad for Superfoodies.com, because of this cookie. Without this cookie, you might also have seen an ad, but at random and not based on your interests.

You can find more information on how to disable "ads based on your interests” on this Google page.


Shopping cart The shopping cart cookie remembers which items are in your shopping cart. Without this cookie, you cannot order items or put them in your shopping cart.

Without this cookie, the online shop will not work properly.


The use of cookies is hugely important for our online shop to work properly. Some cookies are essential for providing our shopping cart functionality, but other cookies where you do not immediately see the effect (such as Google Analytics) are also very important. Without your anonymous input, we have no idea about our visitors or use of the website. We would therefore really appreciate it if you did not disable these cookies.

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